World of Suspense #3 - Al Williamson art

World of Suspense #3
World of Suspense v1 #3, 1956 - Scientists herald the return of their spacecraft, only to find it occupied by a strangely-hued pilot. Al Williamson's brushwork on the first two pages is too loosely applied and lacks definition. On page two, the faces look especially hurried and the layout poorly planned. The remaining pages tighten up ever so slightly, with some fine textural effects on page three. Normally a standard bearer of science fiction art, Williamson turns in a less than stellar effort this issue. This story was later reprinted in Where Monsters Dwell #38. Other artists in this golden age science fiction comic include Jack Abel, Bob Forgione and Ed Winiarski. Cover by Carl Burgos. This is number 1 of 2 World of Suspense issues by Williamson.
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"The Green Man" Williamson story pencils and inks 4 pages = **

World of Suspense v1 #3 atlas comic book page art by Al Williamson
Al Williamson
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World of Suspense #3 - Al Williamson art World of Suspense #3 - Al Williamson art Reviewed by Ted F on 11:08 AM Rating: 5

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