Lovers #71 - non-attributed Matt Baker art

Lovers #71
Lovers v1 #71, 1955 - A young woman travels to France to find romance, while purposely avoiding her own countrymen. This splendid  tale begins with a vertical panel displaying the view from a Parisian balcony (see interior page below). Matt Baker's delicate brushwork permeates every panel. Figures are graceful and characters' faces softened. Note that this Baker story is not attributed in some comic book guides. Other artists in this golden age comic include Al Hartley, Jay Scott Pike and Vince Colletta. Cover by Colletta. This is 2 of 6 Lovers issues by Baker.
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"Paris in the Spring" Baker story pencils and inks 5 pages = ****

Matt Baker
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Lovers #71 - non-attributed Matt Baker art Lovers #71 - non-attributed Matt Baker art Reviewed by Ted F on 8:09 AM Rating: 5


Danman said...

Looks like a Colletta cover.

Joanna said...

I also have this issue. There really are some hidden gems in the Atlas series with Baker art in them. I enjoy hearing your take on things.


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