Big Town #10 - mis-attributed Alex Toth cover

Big Town #10
Big Town v1 #10, 1951 - Art thieves commandeer a plane, attempting to jettison reporter Steve Wilson in mid-flight. This awkward scene not only has to fit all the characters in a small cockpit, but show its high altitude as well. The Overstreet comic book price guide doesn't attribute this cover to Alex Toth, but another source does. I believe it's also unlikely. The artist's work does appear in 4 other issues of Big Town

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Big Town #10 - mis-attributed Alex Toth cover Big Town #10 - mis-attributed Alex Toth cover Reviewed by Ted F on 7:58 PM Rating: 5


Anonymous said...

This doesn't look at all like Alex's work to me. You're right, the artist has a thankless task. Getting all those characters into a tiny plane's cockpit so that we can ID them, along with a background indicating altitude is a tall order, but Toth would've done it better (as he did with an equally difficult composition on the previous cover). That woman has NO Toth in her face at all, while the thug behind her looks about as Dan Barry as they come.

Danman said...

There are so many similarities in style with this and the previous Big Town Toth cover you posted, including a cramped vehicle and a horizontally imperiled hero, I say Toth for sure. One star only?

tristan said...

I still think is Dan Barry work. There is another reason for thinking it that Barry works in this comic book.

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