DC Comics Presents #84 - Jack Kirby art & cover, Alex Toth art

Jack Kirby
DC Comics Presents v1 #84, 1985 - Discovering a sinister-looking Kryptonian symbol, the Challengers of the Unknown seek Superman's help in translating it. Both Alex Toth and Jack Kirby provide story pencils, but their respective styles openly clash. Toth's portion (pages 3-9) was originally slated for Adventure Comics #498 before its cancellation. His layouts are creative but the drawings are poorly executed. Even more unfortunate, Kirby's mis-proportioned figures show the struggles of an artist in his twilight years. This is 1 of 1 DC Comics Presents issues by Kirby and 1 of 1 DC Comics Presents issues by Toth.
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Kirby cover pencils (Greg Theakson inks) = *
"Give Me Power, Give Me Your World" Kirby story pencils (Greg Theakson inks) 14 pages = * 
Toth story pencils (Greg Theakson inks) 7 pages = **

Jack Kirby

Alex Toth
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DC Comics Presents #84 - Jack Kirby art & cover, Alex Toth art DC Comics Presents #84 - Jack Kirby art & cover, Alex Toth art Reviewed by Ted F on 9:14 AM Rating: 5

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