Racket Squad in Action #12 - Steve Ditko cover

Racket Squad in Action v1 #12 - Steve Ditko golden age crime comic book cover art
Steve Ditko
Racket Squad in Action v1 #12, 1954 - Considered a classic Steve Ditko cover by enthusiasts, the image is vaguely relevant to an interior story about mob coercion. The scene is unabashedly violent, depicting a bomb at the moment of its explosion. The shopkeeper's clothes are blasted away but his body curiously shows no wounds or shrapnel. Most disturbing is the inclusion of a little boy also bearing the brunt of the blast. These shocking comic book images were not uncommon during the 1950s and more than likely resulted in increased sales. Ditko's equivalent of stop motion photography may have been a first of its kind in comics. Few can deny the cover's powerful and memorable aesthetics. Other artists in this golden age crime comic include John Belfi. This is 2 of 2 Racket Squad in Action issues by Ditko.
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Ditko cover pencils and inks = ***

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Racket Squad in Action #12 - Steve Ditko cover Racket Squad in Action #12 - Steve Ditko cover Reviewed by Ted F on 8:19 PM Rating: 5

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