Incredible Science Fiction #32 - Al Williamson art

Incredible Science Fiction v1 #32 ec comic book cover art by Jack Davis
Incredible Science Fiction #32
Incredible Science Fiction v1 #32, 1955 - A lone spaceship returns to a once barren planet, now teeming with life. Inside the vessel, astronauts seek indications of evolved intelligence. Al Williamson's full page splash depicts the colorless splendor of exotic flora and fauna (see interior page below). Nicely detailed, the remaining pages show a more contemporary turn in the artist's style. Sensitive lighting also enhances the mood and depth of various scenes. This story was later reprinted in The Art of Al Williamson and >Incredible Science Fiction v3 #10. Other artists in this golden age comic include Jack Davis, Joe Orlando and Bernard Krigstein. Cover by Jack Davis. This is 1 of 1 Incredible Science Fiction issues by Williamson.
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"Food for Thought" Williamson story pencils (Roy Krenkel inks) 8 pages = ****

Incredible Science Fiction v1 #32 ec comic book page art by Al Williamson
Al Williamson
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Incredible Science Fiction #32 - Al Williamson art Incredible Science Fiction #32 - Al Williamson art Reviewed by Ted F on 8:07 PM Rating: 5

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