The Texan #6 - Matt Baker cover

Matt Baker golden age 1950s st. john western comic book cover art - Texan #6
Matt Baker
The Texan v1 #6, 1949 - This fine Matt Baker cover is unusually crowded, especially with the inset on the lower left. Two cowboys fight it out while an errant bullet nearly misses an armed woman behind them. Actually seeing the bullet's path is a technique often used during the golden age, helping lead the reader's eye from foreground to background. Other artists in this golden age western comic include Howard Larsen. This is 3 of 11 Texan issues by Baker. /// Baker gallery
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Baker cover pencils and inks = ***

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The Texan #6 - Matt Baker cover The Texan #6 - Matt Baker cover Reviewed by Ted F on 12:53 PM Rating: 5

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