My Own Romance #47 - non-attributed Matt Baker art

My Own Romance #47
My Own Romance v1 #47, 1955 - An aspiring actress longs for her small town beau, voicing her regret in an unsent letter. Matt Baker uses her own handwriting for narration, nicely personalizing the story. Readability is sometimes affected, but the overall effect makes it stand out from the usual romantic fare. Baker's sensitive drawings are outstanding, despite a lack of attribution from comic book guides. Other artists in this golden age comic include Jay Scott Pike and Vince Colletta. Cover by Colletta. This is 1 of 14 My Own Romance issues by Baker
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"My Dearly Beloved" Baker story pencils and inks 5 pages = ****

Matt Baker

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My Own Romance #47 - non-attributed Matt Baker art My Own Romance #47 - non-attributed Matt Baker art Reviewed by Ted F on 11:45 AM Rating: 5


Anonymous said...

Is there anything prettier than a Vince Colletta girl?

Anonymous said...

Just wondering, why no label for "Colletta" in your post since the piece is mostly about him, shows his cover, etc.?

Danman said...

Colletta certainly spent some time on the guys hair and eyebrows (cover). The inks on the Baker story look like Colletta as well.

Ted F said...

I do comment on artists other than my favorites in case other fans are looking for their respective artists. I'm not a fan of Colletta but I have a newfound appreciation for his 1950s romance work. Regarding the inks on the Baker story, it's too finely rendered to be Colletta, and looks consistent with many other stories Baker inked himself during this period.

Joanna said...

I've also been trying to collect Baker outside of St. John. I was wondering if you had a list you have been keeping or just stumbled onto these? The only source I know that lists Baker outside of St. John in any good detail is Alter Ego 47. I'd be curious to know if you had a list going?

Ted F said...

I usually refer to the Overtreet guide, though over the years I've found plenty of inaccuracies, especially in the romance genre. A few of my Baker posts fall into the "non-attributed" category label, and I suspect more to come. Would love to see that Alter Ego 47 list.

ham and ernie said...

As Danman referred to, Colletta didn't have the same dynamism of Baker but still, his women were the only ones in comics to actually look real, vs. cartoonish.

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

You need to read my descriptions more carefully, my friend.

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