Western Gunfighters #24 - Alex Toth art

Western Gunfighters #24
Western Gunfighters v1 #24, 1957 - A new marshal runs up against the local bully in this gritty frontier tale. The majority of Alex Toth's panels are purposefully dark and moody, suggesting the pervasive fear of the townspeople. The artist infuses each page with an abundance of textures to increase interest and depth. One of the many excellent scenes is the depiction of the bully's gang in the shadows of a leafy tree (page four). Another is the climactic gunfight, where the marshal draws his weapon with unexpected speed. Alex Toth delivers one of the best western tales of his career. Other artists in this golden age comic include Chuck Miller, Pete Morisi, Don Heck and Joe Maneely. Cover by John Severin. This is 1 of 1 Western Gunfighters issues by Toth
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"His Back to the Wall" Toth story pencils and inks 7 pages = *****

Alex Toth
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Western Gunfighters #24 - Alex Toth art Western Gunfighters #24 - Alex Toth art Reviewed by Ted F on 7:24 AM Rating: 5

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