John Carter Warlord of Mars #26 - Frank Miller cover

Frank Miller
John Carter Warlord of Mars v1 #26, 1979 - Unlike the previous issue, Frank Miller's hand is clearly evident here. It is a complex patchwork of multiple figures, but three are emphasized by color. The main characters are in the thick of the action, and the artist's figure drawings are better than most. Foreground swords tilt toward the focal point, a common but effective device often used by Miller. As chaotic as the scene looks at first glance, it is surprisingly balanced and well designed. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Mike Vosburg and Ernie Chan. This is 3 of 3 John Carter Warlord of Mars issues by Miller.
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Miller cover pencils (Mike Vosburg inks) = ***

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John Carter Warlord of Mars #26 - Frank Miller cover John Carter Warlord of Mars #26 - Frank Miller cover Reviewed by Ted F on 1:19 PM Rating: 5

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