Sword of Sorcery #2 - Neal Adams art, Bernie Wrightson art & cover

Bernie Wrightson
Sword of Sorcery v1 #2, 1973 - Continuing the adventures of Fafhrd the Barbarian and the Gray Mouser, Howard Chaykin's cover pencils are loose and erratic compared to later works. Bernie Wrightson's inks are recognizable, but lack definition. The inside story fares better with Neal Adams, Wrightson and others bringing clarity and interest to the initial pencils. This is 2 of 2 Sword of Sorcery issues by Adams and 2 of 3 Sword of Sorcery issues by Wrightson. /// Wrightson gallery
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Wrightson cover inks (Howard Chaykin pencils) = **
"Revenge of the Skull of Jewels" Wrightson, Adams partial story inks (Howard Chaykin pencils) 23 pages = ***

Neal Adams
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Sword of Sorcery #2 - Neal Adams art, Bernie Wrightson art & cover Sword of Sorcery #2 - Neal Adams art, Bernie Wrightson art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 2:15 PM Rating: 5

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