Batman #243 - Neal Adams art & cover

Batman #243 bronze age 1970s dc comic book cover art by Neal Adams
Neal Adams
Batman v1 #243, 1972 - Continuing an international storyline involving Ras Al Ghul, the Batman travels to Switzerland to confront his foe. Neal Adams' cover captures a ritualistic duel to the death, related to the story's opening scene. All story pages are exquisitely drawn, but the first five pages (including the one shown below) are especially strong. Skillfully composed and sequenced, Adams ends the tale with stunning, large panel depictions of a newly resurrected Ras Al Ghul. Dick Giordano, a frequent collaborator, does a reliably credible job with the inks. This story was later reprinted in Saga of Ra's Al Ghul #3 and Limited Collectors' Edition #C-51. This is 25 of 30 Batman issues by Adams. /// original page / Adams gallery
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Adams cover pencils (Dick Giordano inks) = ***
"The Lazarus Pit" Adams story pencils (Dick Giordano inks) 24 pages = ***

Batman #243 bronze age 1970s dc comic book page art by Neal Adams
Neal Adams
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Batman #243 - Neal Adams art & cover Batman #243 - Neal Adams art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 7:04 AM Rating: 5

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