House of Mystery #120 - Alex Toth art

House of Mystery #120 silver age dc comic book cover
House of Mystery #120
House of Mystery v1 #120, 1962 - A band of aliens invades a small town, hunting one of their own in human disguise. The residents conceal the fugitive, having befriended him over the years. The opening splash page is a busy, but not atypical of Alex Toth's DC issues. The rest of the story is drawn with great care and craftsmanship, including several detailed crowd scenes. Toth's aliens look as menacing as they are strange, contributing to this impressive effort. This story has been reprinted in House of Secrets #98. Other artists in this silver age comic include George Roussos, Mort Meskin and Howard Purcell. This is 2 of 8 House of Mystery issues by Toth. /// Toth gallery
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"The Secret Hero of Center City" Toth pencils and inks 8 pages = ****

House of Mystery #120 silver age dc comic book page by alex toth
Alex Toth
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House of Mystery #120 - Alex Toth art House of Mystery #120 - Alex Toth art Reviewed by Ted F on 8:36 AM Rating: 5

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