Personal Love #32 - Frank Frazetta art

Personal Love v1 #32 Kirk Douglas romance comic book photo cover
Personal Love #32

1. Personal Love v1 #32, 1954 - Accompanying her fiancé on an African safari, a woman becomes attracted to a seasoned, masculine hunter employed as their guide. Frank Frazetta uses the exotic locale as an excuse to illustrate the jungle's magnificent scenery and animals. The first panel, with its charging lion and figures frozen from fear, is an astonishing start to the story. Each panel is lovingly rendered, sometimes enhanced by primitive motifs in the captions. Like many pages, the nighttime camp scenes on page 3 is displays a masterful division of light and shadow. Heavily detailed and perfectly executed, this is Frazetta's finest comic book work. This story has been reprinted in Untamed Love v3 #1. The photo cover features actors Kirk Douglas and Bella Darvi. This is 5 of 5 Personal Love issues by Frazetta. /// Top 10 Frazetta comics
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"Untamed Love" Frazetta story pencils and inks 8 pages = *****

Personal Love #32 golden age 1950s romance comic book page art by Frank Frazetta
Frank Frazetta
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Personal Love #32 - Frank Frazetta art Personal Love #32 - Frank Frazetta art Reviewed by Ted F on 9:59 AM Rating: 5

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