X-men #60 - Neal Adams art & cover + 1st Sauron

X-men #60 cover art by Neal Adams / silver age 1960s marvel comic book / Sauron
Neal Adams

10.  X-men v1 #60, 1969 - Seeking medical help, the X-men track down an old colleague of Professor X. Unknown to them is the fact that he can transform himself into the pteranadon-like SauronNeal Adams continues his exceptional run on this title. In addition to his rendition of a frenetic Danger Room, a double page spread displays a panorama of Antarctic cliffs, the origin of Sauron's power. Adams' widely varying layouts and superbly crafted drawings are further polished by Tom Palmer's smoothly applied inks. On another note, Banshee, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch all make brief cameo appearances. This Roy Thomas story was later reprinted in X-men Classics #2. This is 5 of 9 X-men issues by Adams. /// key 1st appearance, 1st origin, 1st cover Karl Lykos as Sauron / Top 10 Adams comics / Adams gallery 
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Adams cover pencils (Tom Palmer inks) = *****
"In The Shadow Of Sauron"
Adams story pencils (Tom Palmer inks) 20 pages = *****

Neal Adams
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X-men #60 - Neal Adams art & cover + 1st Sauron X-men #60 - Neal Adams art & cover + 1st Sauron Reviewed by Ted F on 8:55 AM Rating: 5

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