Strange Tales #168 - Jim Steranko art

Strange Tales #168
Strange Tales v1 #168 featuring Nick Fury & Doctor Strange, 1968 - An alien humanoid arrives on Earth, offering a device that would wipe out war, crime and violence forever. Jim Steranko's last effort on the series is also one of his best. Outstanding pencils and exquisitely designed sequences fill nearly every page. Perhaps most jarring is page 10, depicting a vision of the end of the world, created entirely in photomontage. Following this issue, Nick Fury graduates to his own self-titled series, where Steranko continues his innovative work. This story was later reprinted in Amazing Adventures v4 #12 and Nick Fury v2 #1 and #2. Other artists in this issue include Dan Adkins. This is 18 of 18 Strange Tales issues by Steranko. /// Steranko gallery
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"Today Earth Died" Steranko story pencils (Joe Sinnott inks) 11 pages = ****

Strange Tales v1 #168 nick fury shield comic book page art by Jim Steranko
Jim Steranko
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Strange Tales #168 - Jim Steranko art Strange Tales #168 - Jim Steranko art Reviewed by Ted F on 8:11 AM Rating: 5

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