Wolverine #4 - Frank Miller art & cover

Wolverine v1 #2 1980s marvel comic book cover art by Frank Miller
Frank Miller
Wolverine v1 #4, 1982 - Concluding this groundbreaking mini-series, Frank Miller begins with a cover portrayal of Wolverine as hunter. Using one of his well-known techniques, a lit match illuminates the hero's face, drawing focus to his expression and mood. The opening splash page has Wolverine ominously cloaked in the shadows of sharp, protruding branches. Miller's love of ancient Japanese culture is evident in the traditional clothing, costumes and architecture. His pacing and layouts are refreshingly innovative, especially the intentional repetition of backgrounds on pages 9 and 12. The climactic confrontation on the final few pages is punctuated by the panels' strong vertical and horizontal orientations. This is 4 of 4 Wolverine issues by Miller.
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Miller cover pencils (Joe Rubenstein inks) = ****
Miller story pencils (Joe Rubenstein inks) 22 pages = ****

Wolverine v1 #4 1980s marvel comic book page art by Frank Miller
Frank Miller
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Wolverine #4 - Frank Miller art & cover Wolverine #4 - Frank Miller art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 7:18 AM Rating: 5

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