Seduction of the Innocent 3-D #2 - Bernie Wrightson cover, Alex Toth, Matt Baker reprints

Bernie Wrightson
Seduction of the Innocent 3-D v1 #2, 1986 - Horror comic reprints from the 1950s are re-presented in 3-D for the first time. Among the many stories, "The Man Who Was Always On Time" by Alex Toth (from Out of the Shadows #12) and "Was He Death Proof?" by Matt Baker (>Journey into Fear #1) are standouts. In addition, a brand new Bernie Wrightson cover takes your breath away with its color and fine detail. Other artists in this copper age comic include Vince Fodera, Nick Cardy, Ross Andru and Mike Esposito. This is 1 of 1 Seduction of the Innocent issues by Wrightson.
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Wrightson cover pencils and inks = ***

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Seduction of the Innocent 3-D #2 - Bernie Wrightson cover, Alex Toth, Matt Baker reprints Seduction of the Innocent 3-D #2 - Bernie Wrightson cover, Alex Toth, Matt Baker reprints Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 3:30 AM Rating: 5

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