Savage Sword of Conan #52 - Nestor Redondo cover

Nestor Redondo
Savage Sword of Conan v1 #52, 1980 - Conan finally gains the throne on this dramatic cover. Starkly lit, Nestor Redondo's colors suggest the dawning of a new day. As usual, the scene is painstakingly executed in vivid detail (notice the relatively small splash of blood in the foreground). Other artists in this issue include John Buscema and Tony DeZuniga. This is 6 of 10 Savage Sword of Conan issues with Redondo. /// Redondo gallery
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Redondo cover painting = ***

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Savage Sword of Conan #52 - Nestor Redondo cover Savage Sword of Conan #52 - Nestor Redondo cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 4:12 PM Rating: 5

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