House of Secrets #113 - Nestor Redondo art

House of Secrets #113
House of Secrets v1 #113, 1973 - Unknown to the town of Sweetwater, a family of orphaned children preys upon the residents at night, draining them of their blood. Nestor Redondo gives the young vampires angelic faces, making them even more disturbing. Each panel is delicately drawn, despite the horrific theme. The most breathtaking scenes are when the children's boat capsizes, putting them in deep slumber under the lake (see interior page below). Redondo nicely captures both their perceived innocence and sinister nature. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Mike Sekowsky and Sergio Aragones. Cover by Jack Sparling. This is 5 of 10 House of Secrets issues by Redondo. /// Redondo gallery
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"Spawns of Satan" Redondo story pencils and inks 9 pages = ****

Nestor Redondo
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House of Secrets #113 - Nestor Redondo art House of Secrets #113 - Nestor Redondo art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 4:09 PM Rating: 5

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