Weird War Tales #51 - non-attributed Marshall Rogers & Nestor Redondo art, Joe Kubert cover

Joe Kubert
Weird War Tales v1 #51, 1977Nestor Redondo and Joe Kubert each make small but significant contributions to the issue. Redondo's intro is looser and more graphically rendered than his usual style. The high point of the issue is a "Tale of the Great Disaster", expanding upon Jack Kirby's Kamandi series. Set in a post-apocalyptic England, the canine residents are threatened by a flaming, oversized insect. Marshall Rogers' art is exceptional, combining innovative layouts with sharply drawn figures and architecture. Though obscure, this tale (beautifully inked by Terry Austin) should count among the artist's best work of the bronze age. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Bill Draut and Bob Wiacek. This is 15 of 52 Weird War Tales issues by Kubert, 2 of 2 Weird War Tales issues by Redondo and 1 of 2 Weird War Tales issues by Rogers.
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Kubert cover pencils and inks = ***
Redondo intro pencils and inks 1 page = ***
"A Canterbury Tail" Rogers story pencils (Terry Austin inks) 6 pages = ****

Nestor Redondo

Marshall Rogers
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Weird War Tales #51 - non-attributed Marshall Rogers & Nestor Redondo art, Joe Kubert cover Weird War Tales #51 -  non-attributed Marshall Rogers & Nestor Redondo art, Joe Kubert cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:13 PM Rating: 5


macsnafu said...

I got into comics in 1978, and while I did pick up some back issues like Kamandi, and even the occasional Weird War Tales, I never came across this
Tales of the Great Disaster. So I'm only finding out about this 40 years later! ;-)

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

Yeah, this was an obscure spin-off from the Kirby series. At one point, Kamandi was popular enough to appear in both Karate Kid and Brave and the Bold. Talk about weird.

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