Charlton Bullseye #4 - John Byrne, Walt Simonson art

Charlton Bullseye #4
Charlton Bullseye v1 #4, 1976 - A full color cover houses black and white interiors of previously unpublished Charlton stories. Most noteworthy among these is a Doomsday +1 tale by John Byrne. For an early work, it's as good as his best efforts on the team's regular comic book series. Walt Simonson does a fine portrait of the Peacemaker, viewed in profile and poised for action (see interior page below). Other artists in this bronze age fanzine include Joe Staton (on E-man) and Frank Thorne. This is 3 of 4 Charlton Bullseye issues by Byrne and 1 of 1 Charlton Bullseye issues by Simonson.
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"Time-Slip" Byrne story pencils and inks 11 pages = ***
"Peacemaker" Simonson pin-up pencils and inks 1 page = ***
(All interiors in black and white)

John Byrne
Walt Simonson
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Charlton Bullseye #4 - John Byrne, Walt Simonson art Charlton Bullseye #4 - John Byrne, Walt Simonson art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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