Korak Son of Tarzan #21 - Russ Manning art

Korak Son of Tarzan v1 #21, 1968 - Jungle adventure meets science fiction in this last Russ Manning issue. His lead story is far more compelling than the second, as Korak and Pahkut are kidnapped and transported to another planet. Jungle settings are displaced by weird alien landscapes and strange plant life. No stranger to either genre, Manning handles the artwork confidently. Especially clever are the scenes of Korak's return to Earth, reinforced by a fine array of African wildlife. This is 12 of 12 Korak issues by Manning. /// Manning gallery
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"The Alien Jungle" Manning story pencils and inks (Mike Royer partial inks) 17 pages = ***
"Lost Apeling" Manning story pencils and inks (Mike Royer partial inks) 4 pages = ***

Korak Son of Tarzan v1 #21 gold key silver age 1960s comic book page art by Russ Manning
Russ Manning
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Korak Son of Tarzan #21 - Russ Manning art Korak Son of Tarzan #21 - Russ Manning art Reviewed by Ted F on 1:26 PM Rating: 5

1 comment:

El Vox said...

I love Russ Manning's art and all these covers. I wish I had something by him to frame. You have a great little blog, just ran across it today.

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