Robin Hood Tales #3 - Matt Baker art, mis-attributed Baker cover

Robin Hood Tales #3
Robin Hood Tales v1 #3, 1956 - Supposedly pencilled by Matt Baker, this cover seems more likely by interior artist Chuck Cuidera. The figures overall are stiffly rendered, especially the swordsman to the left in the background. The back-up tale, featuring King Richard during the Crusades, can be more clearly attributed to Baker. Characters are posed more gracefully and the faces are much more indicative of the artist's style. Other artists in this golden age comic include Sam Citron. This is 2 of 5 Robin Hood Tales issues by Baker.
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"The Rescue of King Richard" Baker story pencils and inks 4 pages = ***

Matt Baker
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Robin Hood Tales #3 - Matt Baker art, mis-attributed Baker cover Robin Hood Tales #3 - Matt Baker art, mis-attributed Baker cover Reviewed by Ted F on 3:09 PM Rating: 5

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