Giant-size Conan the Barbarian #5 - Jack Kirby cover, Bernie Wrightson, Barry Windsor Smith reprints

Jack Kirby bronze age marvel elric 1970s comic book cover - Giant-size Conan the Barbarian #5
Jack Kirby
Giant-size Conan the Barbarian v1 #5, 1975 - Like previous Giant-size Conan issues, this comic reprints earlier stories from the primary series. These include a brief Bernie Wrightson tale from Conan #12 and Barry Smith's Elric saga from Conan #14 and #15Jack Kirby illustrates the violent and chaotic cover. The alterations by John Romita are most evident on Conan's face. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Gil Kane. This is 1 of 1 Conan the Barbarian issues by Kirby
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Kirby cover pencils (Joe Sinnott inks) = **

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Giant-size Conan the Barbarian #5 - Jack Kirby cover, Bernie Wrightson, Barry Windsor Smith reprints Giant-size Conan the Barbarian #5 - Jack Kirby cover, Bernie Wrightson, Barry Windsor Smith reprints Reviewed by Ted F on 3:14 PM Rating: 5


Joe Bloke said...

yeah, that's definately John Romita. editors were always doing it to Jack, at both DC and Marvel. usually Romita at Marvel, and usually Curt Swan at DC. if I'm right, there's also a couple of Jim Starlin/Jim Weiss covers they got Romita in to re-do the heads on, as well. cheeky buggers.

Ted F said...

If you're referring specifically to Kirby's 1970s Jimmy Olsen issues, you're right. And the revised heads look ridiculous.

Unknown said...

Romita was on of the most dynamic, memorable artists of the 60s and 70s, which is why his popular style was used to clean-up (or "Marvel-ize") the work of so many experienced artists. In the case of 1970s Kirby, he became a rough shell of himself, and Romita often turned the robotic Kirby work into strong pieces.

One only need to look at the cover of Captain America #193 (the "Madbomb" storyline) to see Romita's guiding style returning Kirby to brief glory. Certinaly more than regualr Kirby inker Mike Royer.

DanMan said...

Decide for yourselves- Conan looks a little like Kamandi:

BigBlackRod said...

Marvel had another Kirby-clone named Rich Buckler, which they used after Jack went to DC. He was pretty shameless in his impersonation of Jack. But, he was good, so it didn't offend me as much as it would have if Don Heck would have replaced Jack...

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

Buckler also emulated Neal Adams early in his career. Unlike Barry Smith (who also emulated Kirby), I think he was one of those artists who never found his own distinct style.

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