Wild Western #55 - Al Williamson art

Wild Western #55 golden age atlas western1950s comic book cover
Wild Western #55
Wild Western v1 #55, 1957 - An unscrupulous pair conspires to hypnotize the town sheriff, making him helpless during a robbery. More detail and contrast than usual fill this Al Williamson tale (see interior page below). Most impressive is the opening panel of a gunfight in progress. The large imposing scene is made more spacious by an open frame format, outlined only by town buildings. Other artists in this golden age comic include Jack Keller, Joe Sinnott, Frank Bolle, Fred Kida and Joe Maneely. Cover by John Severin. This is 3 of 3 Wild Western issues by Williamson
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"The Sheriff Strikes Back" Williamson story pencils (Ralph Mayo inks) 4 pages = ***

Al Williamson atlas western 1950s golden age comic book page - Wild Western #55
Al Williamson
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Wild Western #55 - Al Williamson art Wild Western #55 - Al Williamson art Reviewed by Ted F on 7:15 AM Rating: 5

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