Conan the Barbarian #12 |
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"The Dweller in the Dark" Smith story pencils and inks 16 pages = ****
"The Blood of the Dragon" Wrightson partial story inks (Gil Kane pencils) 2 pages = ***
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Home / Smith / Wrightson / Conan the Barbarian / Marvel
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"The Dweller in the Dark" Smith story pencils and inks 16 pages = ****
"The Blood of the Dragon" Wrightson partial story inks (Gil Kane pencils) 2 pages = ***
Bernie Wrightson |
Barry Windsor Smith |
Home / Smith / Wrightson / Conan the Barbarian / Marvel
ebay >this issue >Smith >Wrightson >Conan the Barbarian
Conan the Barbarian #12 - Barry Windsor Smith art, non-attributed Bernie Wrightson art
Reviewed by Ted F
12:15 PM
Marvel wikia says Colletta inked the cover and I would agree with this.
Vince colletta inked that cover, surely? Doesn’t look at all like Wrightson inks to my eyes....
Acknowledged and corrected. I compared this to Kane/Wrightson's cover for Dead of Night #11 and it doesn't pass scrutiny.
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