John Carter Warlord of Mars #18 - Frank Miller art, John Byrne cover

Frank Miller
John Carter Warlord of Mars v1 #18, 1978 - By the late 1970s, Marvel had acquired the rights to both of Edgar Rice Burroughs' most popular characters. Although not as famous as Tarzan, John Carter had a loyal and respectable following. This is Frank Miller's first effort for Marvel, just prior to his astonishing run on Daredevil. It stylistically parallels some of those early issues, before his work began to mature. His page layouts are inconsistent, but several individual panels hint at his potential. The use of dark foreground objects to enhance depth and strategic shadow placement are devices he would use to great effect on later works. Though the cover also looks like Miller to me, John Byrne confirms he's the actual cover artist. Regardless, the pencils are buried under the weight of Rudy Nebres' inks. This is 1 of 1 John Carter Warlord of Mars issues by Byrne and 1 of 3 John Carter Warlord of Mars issues by Miller.
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Byrne cover pencils (Rudy Nebres inks) = *
"Meanwhile Back in Helium" Miller story pencils (Bob McCleod inks) 17 pages = ***

Frank Miller
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John Carter Warlord of Mars #18 - Frank Miller art, John Byrne cover John Carter Warlord of Mars #18 - Frank Miller art, John Byrne cover Reviewed by Ted F on 7:47 PM Rating: 5


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

On his web forum, John Byrne confirms that he drew the cover to John Carter #18 ( It is not the work of Frank Miller.

Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink said...

Thanks for pointing that out. I've gone back and forth over the years. Glad to finally have confirmation from a credible source. You're Brian Miller I take it?

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