All-Star Western v2 #10 - 1st Jonah Hex

All-Star Western v2 #10
All-Star Western v2 #10, 1972 - Late in this series run, DC introduces a new western anti-hero. A former Confederate soldier, Jonah Hex makes use of his talent for killing as a full time bounty hunter. The story mostly centers around his arrival in a small town, stringing along the dead bodies of wanted men. The character's personality, occupation and motivation are quickly established, without referring to his past or origins. His disfiguration is only revealed toward the end, piquing the reader's interest. This first appearance, written by John Albano and drawn by Tony Dezuniga, would later be reprinted in Jonah Hex #5. Cover by Dezuniga. /// key 1st appearance Jonah Hex
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"Welcome to Paradise"16 pages

1st Jonah Hex
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All-Star Western v2 #10 - 1st Jonah Hex All-Star Western v2 #10 - 1st Jonah Hex Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 PM Rating: 5

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