X-men #115 - John Byrne art & cover

X-men v1 #115 marvel bronze age 1970s comic book cover art by John Byrne
John Byrne
X-men v1 #115, 1978 - Still convalescing in the Savage Land, the X-men are suddenly attacked by the mutant Sauron. Ka-Zar intervenes to halt the hostilities and explain a greater threat to them all. John Byrne's cover effectively uses the half-man, half-pteranadon to frame several other characters, contrasted by their brighter costumes. Inside, the pages are beautifully drawn while maintaining a crisp clarity. The first half of the book is especially brilliant, with its astounding two page spread of a raging Wolverine. This is 7 of 35 X-men issues by Byrne.
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Byrne cover pencils (Terry Austin inks) = ****
"Visions of Death!" Byrne story
pencils (Terry Austin inks) 17 pages = *****

X-men v1 #115 marvel bronze age 1970s comic book page art by John Byrne
John Byrne
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X-men #115 - John Byrne art & cover X-men #115 - John Byrne art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 8:51 AM Rating: 5

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