Doctor Strange v2 #22 - Frank Brunner cover

Frank Brunner  bronze age 1970s marvel comic book cover art - Doctor Strange v2 #22
Frank Brunner
Doctor Strange v2 #22, 1977 - Doctor Strange fights off multiple threats on this colorful cover, including a knight on a giant bird and a horde of clutching hands. There is an ample amount of visual elements, yet Frank Brunner balances them without losing clarity. His confident brushwork makes this issue the best of his late covers on this series. Other artists in this bronze age comic include Rudy Nebres. This is 7 of 11 Doctor Strange v2 issues by Brunner. /// Brunner gallery
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Brunner cover pencils and inks = ****

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Doctor Strange v2 #22 - Frank Brunner cover Doctor Strange v2 #22 - Frank Brunner cover Reviewed by Ted F on 5:18 PM Rating: 5

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