Detective Comics #473 - Marshall Rogers art & cover

Detective Comics v1 #473 dc comic book cover art by Marshall Rogers
Marshall Rogers
Detective Comics v1 #473 featuring Batman, 1977 - Just arriving into Gotham, a jeweled artifact catches the coveting eye of the Penguin. Sharply drawn and composed, the art by Marshall Rogers continues to impress. Batman and Robin's streamlined look culminates in a superb portrait atop a building (page 10). Dawn breaks between skyscrapers as the duo's capes expand to fill the frame. Rogers' resplendent cover emphasizes movement and action. Note the subtlety in revealing the issue's villain (in the background shadow). This story was later reprinted in Best of DC #14 and Shadow of the Batman #3 and the Batman Strange Apparitions trade paperback. This is 6 of 13 Detective Comics issues by Rogers. /// Rogers gallery
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Rogers cover pencils and inks = ****
"The Malay Penguin"
Rogers story pencils (Terry Austin inks) 17 pages = ***

Detective Comics v1 #473 dc comic book page art by Marshall Rogers
Marshall Rogers
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Detective Comics #473 - Marshall Rogers art & cover Detective Comics #473 - Marshall Rogers art & cover Reviewed by Ted F on 3:12 PM Rating: 5

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