The Gallant Men #1 - Russ Manning art + 1st issue

The Gallant Men #1
The Gallant Men v1 #1, 1963 - This one-shot issue adapts the 1960s television series of the same name. Following a company of American soldiers during World War Two, the show chronicles their journey as they make their way through war-torn Italy. Two nicely illustrated stories by Russ Manning fill the issue, his renowned linework and draftsmanship evident on every page. A few larger panels, like the scene of a full scale attack (see inset above), help break the monotony of small and medium-sized frames that comprise most of the book. His combat scenes look unusually sanitized for a war comic, but are otherwise excellent. This may be Manning's only war comic of his career. Photo cover. This is 1 of 1 Gallant Men issues by Manning. /// key 1st issue
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"The Gallant Men" Manning story pencils and inks 17 pages = ****
"The Time is Now"
Manning story pencils and inks 15 pages = ***

Russ Manning
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The Gallant Men #1 - Russ Manning art + 1st issue The Gallant Men #1 - Russ Manning art + 1st issue Reviewed by Ted F on 12:03 PM Rating: 5

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