Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #133 - Marshall Rogers art & cover

Marshall Rogers
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight v1 #133, 2000 - Unknown to the Batman and Commissioner Gordon, a mercenary named Colonel Brass starts putting plans in place for a takeover of Gotham. Marshall Rogers does a fine job on the cover, reminiscent of his bronze age Detective Comics work. His interior pages mostly falter, despite the added details by inkers John Cebollero and Bob Wiacek. This is 2 of 5 Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight issues by Rogers.
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Rogers cover pencils (John Cebollero inks) = ***
"Siege part 2" Rogers story pencils (John Cebollero, Bob Wiacek inks) 25 pages = **

Marshall Rogers
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Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #133 - Marshall Rogers art & cover Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #133 - Marshall Rogers art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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