Ka-zar #1 - Jack Kirby key reprint + 1st Huntsman

Ka-zar #1
Ka-zar v1 #1, 1970 - Marvel's jungle lord finally gets his own self-titled book, comprised of mostly reprints. His debut (drawn by Jack Kirby) and subsequent appearances are re-presented here for the first time. Ka-Zar's first true ongoing series would be in Astonishing Tales, sharing equal billing with Dr. Doom. The issue's only new story is a back-up tale introducing the Huntsman, a tracker created by Zeus to bring Hercules back to Olympus. Backed by a powerful wooden staff, he proves more than a match for even the Avengers. This Allyn Brodsky tale was drawn by Frank Springer and Dick Ayers. /// key 1st appearance Huntsman, 1st issue
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"In His Footsteps, the Huntsman of Zeus" 11 pages

1st Huntsman
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Ka-zar #1 - Jack Kirby key reprint + 1st Huntsman Ka-zar #1 - Jack Kirby key reprint + 1st Huntsman Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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