Happy Comics #20 - Frank Frazetta art

Happy Comics #20
Happy Comics v1 #20, 1947 - Frank Frazetta's first efforts on the series include a posse looking for a family of badgers and a singing cat who's tricked into becoming a carnival target. The former is capably but not memorably drawn, but the latter boasts an illustration that spans two pages. Occupying roughly a third of the spread, the scene deftly separates Tommy Tabby while maintaining a cohesive layout. Frazetta also incorporates the story title into a sign, which quickly associates with the main character. Other artists in this golden age comic include Jack Bradbury. This is 1 of 18 Happy Comics issues by Frazetta.
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"The Big Badger Hunt" Frazetta text illo pencils and inks 1 page = **
"Crooner Cat" Frazetta text illo pencils and inks 2 pages = ***

Frank Frazetta
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Happy Comics #20 - Frank Frazetta art Happy Comics #20 - Frank Frazetta art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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