Star Wars #54 - Walt Simonson art & cover

Walt Simonson
Star Wars v1 #54, 1981 - Captured by the Galactice Empire, Princess Leia and Lord Aron endure the tortures of the Imperial Strike Force led by General Sk'ar. Carmine Infantino pencils the first fourteen pages, with mixed results. He seems more comfortable with the fantasy aspects of the story than the futuristic. Walt Simonson draws the remaining pages, his style mostly buried beneath the trio of inkers (mostly Tom Palmer). The cover art, completely drawn and designed by the artist, is more representative of his talents. This is 4 of 10 Star Wars issues by Simonson.
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Simonson cover pencils and inks = ***
"Starfire Rising" Simonson story pencils (Tom Palmer, Al Milgrom inks) 12 pages = *

Walt Simonson
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Star Wars #54 - Walt Simonson art & cover Star Wars #54 - Walt Simonson art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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