X-Men #268 - Jim Lee art & cover

X-Men #268 marvel 1990s cover art by Jim Lee
X-Men #268
X-Men v1 #268, 1990 - Toggling between two time periods, the story reveals the first meeting between Captain America, Wolverine and Natasha Romanoff. This is not Jim Lee's first work on the series, but arguably his best. Each page is painstakingly detailed and designed. The degree of action and movement seems comparable to Jack Kirby, only more contemporary. Past and present scenes are distinguished by the story captions, but the use of white frames (1990s) versus black frames (1940s) make it even clearer. Lee's figure drawing is as good or better than most of his peers. /// select Lee art and cover
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Jim Lee cover pencils (Scott Williams inks) 
"Madripoor Knights" Jim Lee pencils (Scott Williams inks) 23 pages 
X-Men #268 marvel 1990s page art by Jim Lee
Jim Lee
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X-Men #268 - Jim Lee art & cover X-Men #268 - Jim Lee art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:00 AM Rating: 5

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