Brave and the Bold #14 - Joe Kubert art

Brave and the Bold #14
Brave and the Bold v1 #14, 1957 - After seemingly falling to his death, the Viking Prince returns to free his village from a band of pirates. Opening with an exceptional splash (see below), Joe Kubert begins one of his finest stories to date. His layouts are thoughtful in their design and pacing. Most impressive is high level of detail in his drawings, both in shading and texture. This story was later reprinted in Best of the Brave and the Bold #5. Other artists in this golden age issue include Russ Heath. Cover by Irv Novick. This is 14 of 32 Brave and the Bold issues by Kubert.
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"The Ghost Ship" Kubert story pencils and inks 8 pages = *****

Joe Kubert
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Brave and the Bold #14 - Joe Kubert art Brave and the Bold #14 - Joe Kubert art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:51 AM Rating: 5

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