Strange Adventures #9 - Alex Toth art + 1st Captain Comet

Strange Adventures #9
Strange Adventures v1 #9, 1951 - A food creation machine becomes a household product around the world, leading countries to stop growing produce and raising animals for consumption. Alex Toth's page layouts tend to be repetitive and his pencils are mostly sanitized by Bernard Sachs' inking. On the positive side, Toth draws the tale with both efficiency and clarity. In a separate story, Adam Blake grows up having strange mental abilities that set him apart from other people. Donning a red uniform, he becomes Captain Comet in service of mankind. This John Broome story (using a pseudonym) was drawn by Carmine Infantino and Bernard Sachs. Other artists in this issue include Murphy Anderson and Bob Oksner. This is 2 of 7 Strange Adventures issues by Toth. /// key 1st appearance, 1st origin, 1st cover Captain Comet / Toth gallery
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"The Origin of Captain Comet" 20 pages
"Push-Button Paradise" Toth
story pencils (Bernard Sachs inks) 8 pages = **

1st Captain Comet 

Alex Toth

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Strange Adventures #9 - Alex Toth art + 1st Captain Comet Strange Adventures #9 - Alex Toth art + 1st Captain Comet Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 PM Rating: 5

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