Marvel Premiere #31 - Jack Kirby cover + 1st Woodgod

Jack Kirby
Marvel Premiere featuring Woodgod v1 #31 , 1975 - Inspired by Greek mythology, a satyr-like hero makes his first appearance in this issue. Though prominently displayed on this Jack Kirby cover, Woodgod seems awkwardly placed, his back turned toward the reader. The layout is especially clumsy, given that this is the debut of a new character. Appearing in a desolate small town, his origin story revolves around a husband and wife scientist team and their experimentations. The story continues into Marvel Team-Up #53. This Bill Mantlo story was drawn by Keith Giffen and Klaus Janson. This is 4 of 5 Marvel Premiere issues by Kirby. /// key 1st appearance, 1st origin, 1st cover Woodgod
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Kirby cover pencils (John Verpoorten inks) = **
"Birthday" 18 pages

1st Woodgod 
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Marvel Premiere #31 - Jack Kirby cover + 1st Woodgod Marvel Premiere #31 - Jack Kirby cover + 1st Woodgod Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 PM Rating: 5

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