Tales of Suspense #52 - Jack Kirby cover + 1st Black Widow

Jack Kirby
Tales of Suspense v1 #52, 1964 - After getting access to a secure building, a pair of Russians steal the Crimson Dynamo suit and wreak havoc on the Stark Industries. The Black Widow makes her first appearance as a spy, using her beauty to distract Tony Stark. Her skills appear limited in her early appearances. This story was later reprinted in >Marvel Collectors' Item Classics #12. Though colorful, Jack Kirby's cover is oddly composed with little attention to scale and perspective. This Stan Lee story was drawn by Don Heck. This is 51 of 92 Tales of Suspense issues by Kirby /// key 1st appearance, 1st cover Natasha Romanoff as the Black Widow
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Kirby cover pencils (Sol Brodsky inks) = **
"The Crimson Dynamo Strikes Again" Don Heck 
story pencils and inks 13 pages 
1st Black Widow appearance

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Tales of Suspense #52 - Jack Kirby cover + 1st Black Widow Tales of Suspense #52 - Jack Kirby cover + 1st Black Widow Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 AM Rating: 5

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