Alpha Flight #18 - John Byrne art & cover

John Byrne
Alpha Flight v1 #18, 1985 - Arriving at a supposedly haunted mansion, Shaman and his estranged daughter suddenly face a very ancient evil. John Byrne displays a mastery of sequencing and storytelling with each subsequent issue. Bob Wiacek's inks further enhance the pencils with additional details. Most noteworthy is page 17-18, where the artist uses the white of the page to conveys the effects of a demonic possession. This is 18 of 30 Alpha Flight issues by Byrne
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Byrne cover pencils (Bob Wiacek inks) = **
"How Long Will A Man Lie In The Earth 'Ere He Rot?" Byrne story pencils (Bob Wiacek inks) 22 pages = ****

John Byrne
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Alpha Flight #18 - John Byrne art & cover Alpha Flight #18 - John Byrne art & cover Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 AM Rating: 5

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