Motion Picture Funnies Weekly #1 - 1st Sub-Mariner

Motion Picture Funnies Weekly #1

Motion Picture Funnies Weekly v1 #1, 1939 - Mostly filled with various cartoons and adventure strips, this does boast the first appearance of the Sub-Mariner. In his own solo story, he encounters deep sea divers in a remote part of the ocean floor. After attacking them and destroying their ship with gusto, the young man reports to the king of an underwater kingdom. The Sub-Mariner is certainly more villain than hero even in his debut. This creation by Bill Everett seems an unlikely addition to this one-shot issue. This Bill Everett story soon appears in Marvel Comics #1 with four additional pages, then later reprinted in Invaders #20. This one-shot giveaway, intended for movie theater patrons, is particularly rare with only a handful of copies in existence. /// key 1st appearance, 1st origin Sub-Mariner, 1st issue
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"The Sub-mariner" 8 pages

1st Sub-mariner appearance

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Motion Picture Funnies Weekly #1 - 1st Sub-Mariner Motion Picture Funnies Weekly #1 - 1st Sub-Mariner Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 12:49 AM Rating: 5

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