Detective Comics #64 - Jack Kirby art + 1st Boy Commandos

Detective Comics #64
Detective Comics v1 #64, 1942 - Backing up the main Batman feature, the Boy Commandos make their debut thanks to creators Jack Kirby and Joe Simon. These Nazi-fighting boy soldiers come from different Allied countries: Pierre Chavard (French), Jan Haasen (Dutch), Alfy Twidgett (English) and Brooklyn (American). Rip Carter, their adult handler, keeps them focused on winning the war. Like all their creations, Simon and Kirby ensure plenty of action along with concise storytelling. Techniques like extending figures beyond borders and varying panel shapes makes their work a cut above the rest of the industry. This story was later reprinted in Mister Miracle #8. /// key 1st appearance Boy Commandos
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"The Boy Commandos" Kirby pencils (Joe Simon inks) 12 pages = ***

1st Boy Commandos

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Detective Comics #64 - Jack Kirby art + 1st Boy Commandos Detective Comics #64 - Jack Kirby art + 1st Boy Commandos Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 PM Rating: 5
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