Adventure Comics #306 - 1st Legion of Substitute Heroes

Adventure Comics #306
Adventure Comics v1 #306, 1963 - After being turned down by the Legion of Super-heroes, a group of young rejects form their own club with a similar charter. All have super powers that are just shy of impressive. Intended to pitch in when the Legion is unavailable, the  Legion of Substitute Heroes' exploits begin in secret. Polar Boy, Night Girl, Stone Boy, Fire Lad and Chlorophyll Kid all make their debuts. This Ed Hamilton story was drawn by John Forte. This issue also includes art by Curt Swan. Cover by Swan. /// key 1st appearance, 1st origin Legion of Substitute Heroes
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"The Legion of Substitute Heroes" 14 pages

1st Legion of Substitute Heroes
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Adventure Comics #306 - 1st Legion of Substitute Heroes Adventure Comics #306 - 1st Legion of Substitute Heroes Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 7:32 PM Rating: 5

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