Monster Times #24 - Frank Brunner art

Monster Times #24 cover
Monster Times #24
Monster Times v1 #24, 1973 - When a western ranch is attacked by a werewolf, only one hero has the silver bullets that can stop him. Frank Brunner's thickly applied strokes form swirling textures on nearly every panel. The artist tells the story in two succinct pages, but maintains a high level of skill. This tale was later reprinted in The Unknown Worlds of Frank Brunner #2. This bronze age fanzine contains various articles on Rodan the Flying Monster, Basil Wolverton and Lon Chaney Jr. This is 1 of 1 Monster Times issues by Brunner.
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"Werewolf Goes West" Brunner story pencils and inks 2 pages = ***

Monster Times #24 bronze age 1970s comic book page art by Frank Brunner
Frank Brunner

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Monster Times #24 - Frank Brunner art Monster Times #24 - Frank Brunner art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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