Comic Book Artist #18 - Jim Starlin cover & article, Frank Brunner article

Jim Starlin
Comic Book Artist v1 #20, 2002 - Featuring Marvel's "cosmic comics" of the 1970s, this fanzine mostly focuses on the intertwining storylines of Captain Marvel, Warlock and the Avengers that formed the basis of the recent Avengers films. Integral to their creation was artist/writer Jim Starlin, who drew the sub-par new cover and participates in a roundtable discussion on the subject. Though technically not a part of it, Frank Brunner is interviewed for his Doctor Strange work that had a similarly sophisticated approach.
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Starlin cover pencils and inks = **

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Comic Book Artist #18 - Jim Starlin cover & article, Frank Brunner article Comic Book Artist #18 - Jim Starlin cover & article, Frank Brunner article Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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