Nightmare v3 #9 - Bernie Wrightson art

Nightmare v3 #9
Nightmare v3 #9, 1973 - Printed in black and white inside, most of the stories and artwork is mediocre. The only notable exception is Bernie Wrightson's illustration for the issue's only text story. This long vertical panel occupies about a third of the page. Despite the small size, the artist delivers a partial montage that artistically transcends the rest of the book (see interior page below). Other artists in this issue include Amador Garcia and Pablo Marcos. This is 1 of 1 Nightmare v3 issues by Wrightson.
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"The Thing in the Alley" Wrightson back cover text illo pencils and inks = ***

Bernie Wrightson
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Nightmare v3 #9 - Bernie Wrightson art Nightmare v3 #9 - Bernie Wrightson art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 8:00 AM Rating: 5

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