World's Finest Comics #261 - Don Newton art

World's Finest Comics #261
World's Finest Comics v1 #261, 1980 - Mary Marvel investigates a slew of robberies at wealthy homes, each with valuable artwork taken. Adequately drawn and composed, Don Newton's story art just meets expectations. Kudos to collaborator Dave Hunt for his very capable inks. This story was later reprinted in Shazam! The World's Mightiest Mortal #3. Other artists in this copper age comic include Ed Barretto, Alex Saviuk, Rich Buckler and Romeo Tanghal. Cover by Ross Andru and Dick Giordano. This is 9 of 28 World's Finest Comics issues by Newton.
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"The Case of the Runaway Sculpture" Newton story pencils (Dave Hunt inks) 10 pages = ***

Don Newton
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World's Finest Comics #261 - Don Newton art World's Finest Comics #261 - Don Newton art Reviewed by Ted Ignacio @ Pencil Ink on 1:00 AM Rating: 5

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